The Sunrise Calendar is the best calendar available. Period.
The iPhone’s basic calendar is fine, don’t get us wrong, and if all you’re looking for is something to remind you about that dentist appointment, you need look no further. But it doesn’t go above and beyond the normal call of duty. If you want something that packs a huge punch and will make a difference in your daily organization, we have the calendar app for you.
The Sunrise calendar is packed full of amazing and helping tools to help you plan your day and make sure you stay on schedule. It also takes advantage of many of the new capabilities found in iOS 8.
Sunrise used to only run on the iPhone and iPad, but the calendar app has now expanded to Android smartphones as well. You can also access your Sunrise calendar using your browser. Sunrise also works with iCloud, Google Calendar, and Microsoft Exchange to import dates from your current calendars.
The fun doesn’t stop there. You can also hook in your calendar from social media and task management services like Facebook or Evernote. You can even see the profiles and people you are meeting with from LinkedIn.
Sunrise also hooks into Google Maps, allowing you to tag your meetings and give you directions so you arrive at the right location and on time for your meetings.
Sounding pretty good so far, right? Here’s the icing on the cake: it’s free.
What’s new in Sunrise?
One of the latest features for Apple iOS 8 users is the ability to accept or decline meeting invites with a swipe of the finger. When your contacts or users invite you to attend a meeting or event using Sunrise or one of the services you have integrated with, you can RSVP by just swiping the notification. You don’t even need to open the app to do so.
Sorry Android users, you don’t have this new feature because it relies on iOS 8.
Sunrise wants you to stay on top of important dates as well. When you first setup the application, it will give you an option to select other calendars as well, including:
Where do you get Sunrise?
This is the easy part. Get this cool calendar application here:
Have questions about Sunrise or other mobile computing solutions to help organize your day and free your work from the desk? Your team at Your IT Business Consultants is here to make sure your questions are addressed. Call us at any time – we’re here to serve you and your business technology needs. Call (07) 34950064 or email us at [email protected].
Your IT Business Consultants, your Brisbane information systems support experts.